Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to Stop the Flu

The Flu germs can be waiting for you everywhere--in the air, on surfaces, where you least expect it. Follow these few steps to stop the spread of the flu.

Step 1

Disinfect any surface you daily touch-- your TV remote, your computer keyboard, counters, steering wheels, even toothbrushes can keep the flu germ alive for a few days. Purchase some disinfectant wipes and wipe off all surfaces, or just soak paper towels in something that has anti-bacterial product.

Step 2

Always wash your hands to avoid getting sick. Wash your hands before you eat. Wash your hands after using restroom and wash your hands after coughing of sneezing. The easiest way to stop the spread of germs is to wash your hands, use a paper towel to turn off faucet and use a paper towel to open the door.

Step 3

Get a flu shot if you are over 50, around children, or caregiver of someone chronically ill. This is a simple procedure that guarantees lessening of flu symptoms.

Step 4

After an outbreak of the flu, disinfect door knobs, faucet knobs, hand rails in bathrooms on stairs. Do not touch handrails in malls, door handles in stores and even shopping carts in grocery stores and retail stores.

Step 5

Always cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Avoid going to work when you are contagious. These are admonitions we have heard since grade school and still many children and adults disregard basic health advice.

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