Monday, July 6, 2009


This is a service we do for our patients free of charge. Why do we do this? Because we care about you and your health.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is a consistent reading of 120/80 or higher. Normal blood pressure is approximately 120/80. If you have a reading above 120/80 we will suggest you consult with your physician about your blood pressure. One quarter of the US population has high blood pressure yet show no obvious symptoms. This is why it is called the "silent killer". It is of world-wide epidemic proportions. The ADA recommends that any patient with a reading of 180/110 is the cutoff point for offering urgent treatment without medial consultation.
Blood Pressure
Classification SBP (mm HG) DBP (mm Hg)
Normal <120 and <80 Regular care;
Prehypertension 120-139 or 80-89 Advise pt of BP status; recommend lifestyle modifications
Stage 1 Hypertension 140-159 or 92-99 Regular care; recommend physician consult; stress reduction protocol
Stage 2 Hypertension > 160 or>100 Re-check BP in 5 min.s; non-invasive care only; definitive emergency care only if less than 180/110; refer to physician for immediate followup; stress reduction protocol
Hypertensive Crisis 220+ 120+ Re-check BP in 5 min.s; no dental therapy, routine or emergency, until elevated BP is corrected; manage emergency w/ antibiotics and/or analgesics; hospitalization and immediate BP reduction when signs & dx of organ damage are present; otherwise refer to physician for immediate followup #

Hypertension alone is the most important risk factor for heart failure. Hypertension is the leading cause of strokes, kidney failure and blindness. Having high blood pressure increases stroke risk four to six times!

If you have hypertension:
The best time to come for dental treatment if you have high blood pressure is in the afternoon. Thus afternoon appointment are recommended over mornings for this reason.
Your blood pressure will be taken at each visit. The best arm to use the monitor on is on the left arm.
Stress reduction protocol will be followed which includes: shorter appointments
good night's sleep before the appointment
avoiding caffeine before the appointment
eating a regular meal before the appointment
ample time allowed to get to your appointment
premed as needed
checked to make sure daily hypertensive medications were taken
raising dental chair slowly allowed to sit upright in dental chair for several minutes after procedure to avoid hypotension
Anxiety and stress associated with dental treatment typically causes a rise in blood pressure. Using of a sedative the night before treatment may help.
Also using nitrous oxide 10 minutes before treatment may reduce blood pressure to acceptable levels, allowing initiation of local anesthesia.

The most effective strategy that can aid to control hypertension and it's substantial decline is the ability to detect, evaluate and treat people early with accurate blood pressure measurements. So we offer this service to help you monitor your health because we value you.

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